See You Later Decorator

Every reality show has their signature "you suck so your ass is getting voted off" goodbye. For The Apprentice, Trump declares that "You're fired." Tyra tells her model-wannabes that they're either "still in the running to being America's Next Top Model" or they're not. Jonathan Adler of Top Design, however, has the worst goodbye: "See you later, Decorator."
Oh my, everytime he says that with his gentle, crooked smile and his cocked head, I laugh. Don't you think he himself is embarrassed each time he utters those words? Does he throw up a little in his mouth? At the start of the tapings, how do you think Mr. Adler reacted when his producers instructed him to say those words? Was he absolutely appalled and did he, in the name of good taste, try to refuse? Or did he cock his head, smile softly, and say, "Wow, that is truly's like a verbal aesthetic." I don't know what I'm saying, but it's funny. hahaha.
So, in the spirit of Top Design, The Frog wrote me about a month ago, ending her email with a very unexpected "Hasta la vista, fashionista." LOL. (I couldn't think of one, unless you count, "Au revoir, nurse practitionoir.")
Wait...I just looked at Mr. Adler's blog on Top Design. He titled his last post, "See ya later, 'Top Design' Appreciators." LOL. Oh my, he is having too much fun with poetry.
Auf Wiedersehen!
8:31 PM
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